I love my family so much and I'm so grateful for my amazing parents!!! I know they would do anything for Ryan and I. Ryan's family is so supportive too even though they live hours away. And to know that family on my mom's side, dad's side and Ryan's side of the family have fasted for us and the baby is just so amazing and I'm so grateful for that!! I just cry thinking about it....how important family is. I would die without my family and without Ryan.
I also feel so blessed to have the opportunity to carry a child. I know there are so many women in this world who can't get pregnant and have children and that makes me so sad. I think it's funny I went to a walk in clinic in november because I had a really bad sinus cold and I mentioned to the doctor that we were trying to get pregnant and he told me because of my very irregular periods it would probably take me years to get pregnant....well buddy....it only took a couple weeks! Ryan and I just laughed about that....
Well, I hope this sickness passes soon. I'm taking something new and it seems to be helping but it makes me SO drowsy!!! I sleep like a baby every night! it's nice since I wasn't sleeping at all for weeks so hoping and praying this all goes away soon and I can be a happy pregnant lady :)
Im glad you have so much great support and loving family! That makes a world of difference!