Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Keslie's room

We are finally starting to feel settled in the new house! and Keslie's bedroom is all done! I finished it a few weeks ago…. I decided to go with a "Vintage Ballerina" theme for her bedroom. light pink/white/cream with a splash of baby pink tulle. I had so much fun getting her room all cute for her! All I have left to do is make a crib skirt :) I love having a girl!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Keslie {8 months}

Keslie turned 8 months on April 16th. I love to do little updates about her (usually on my Instagram) every month because lets face it, she's constantly growing, changing, and learning new things! I don't have her current weight but she is finally getting that chunky look, and I love it! Her hair is growing really fast….as you've seen she has been wearing cute little ponytails and bows! She is sitting up very well on her own and she's slowing starting to squirm around like she's going to crawl but she's not there yet. She is still nursing in the morning and before bed, but mostly eating solids during the day. She loves to snack on sweet potato fries---I make them.  No teeth yet but she is definitely teething. She loves baths. and books! she is constantly watching her big brother run around and i'm sure she can't wait to do the same. she says "Mom" and "mama." and the other day she said "dada" for the first time. She loves playing with tupperware! seriously... why do I buy toys? she has adjusted very well to her new bedroom since we moved. She sleeps like an angel, unless it's a growth spurt ;) I usually put her down for the night around 8 and she wakes up around 5 to eat, then goes back to sleep until 7:30-7:45ish. She loves to sleep on her right side. She is totally a daddy's girl! sometimes when she's with me she will fuss until I give her to her dad. It's cute though! She's the sweetest little angel.

Our beautiful Kes.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

I can't believe I haven't blogged in 6 months?  So much has happened since then! I'm going to do better at keeping my blog up to date this year! I will do an update post next. I just really just wanted to post some pictures of the kids on Easter! It's so hard to get a good picture of them together…Kaden is always on the move! ;)

It was a pretty relaxed weekend. Last year we had a bunch of family and friends over to our place for Easter dinner so this year it was quiet, just us. The easter bunny came saturday night and left some chocolates and monster jam trucks for Kaden, and Keslie got a new book called "Peep Peep." Keslie loves books!! I'm glad she does because I love buying cute books. Kaden had fun throwing the plastic eggs around on his bed. I made Kaden a special easter bunny pancake breakfast sunday morning before conference….

We got to listen to Genereal conference…most of it anyways ;) it's hard to really listen when your feeding kids, changing bums, keeping them quiet and entertained! :) I didn't get as much out of it as I wanted so I will be watching the sessions again on my own. I'm glad conference fell on Easter this year…it helps to focus on what really is important over the easter season---our saviour, Jesus Christ. He sacrificed his life so that I can be with my family forever and I can be forgiven of the things I do wrong, everyday. I'm not perfect, but I trying to be more like him. He is the perfect example of love and forgiveness. I need him. I need his help, especially being a mother. I feel his love in my life everyday!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter with their loves one's!

the Littles. <3
Keslie is wearing her Easter dress from Nana. xo

EASTER 2015.