I figured this was the best way to keep track of my pregnancy and everything that is happening...I don't care if anyone reads it I need to write it down somewhere.
Sooo I'm 11 weeks 1 day. The nausea is getting worse...my doctor actually told me I have Hyperemesis gravidarum (excessive vomiting during pregnancy that leads to weight loss) and of course I'm only 113 pounds I can't loose any weight! I'm having a really hard time keeping certain foods down and I've figured out all I can really keep down is fruit. I'm on Diclectin and taking 3 pills/day but I don't want to take any more than that! who knows what those pills are doing to my body...probably making it worse? who knows. I've just tried a lot and I guess I just have to get through it. It's funny how I wasn't sick at all on the cruise I just went on but I've been nothing but sick since I got home, everyday! morning and night. And sleep is my life. I have an appointment with my doctor in the morning to see if i should take some time off of work. Besides all that I've heard the baby's heartbeat twice!!! So precious! I have my first ultrasound on the 31st and more blood work this Friday (yuck!) I hate doing blood work. Hate is a strong word I know and I CAN use it when I'm referring to blood tests. lol. Ryan has been SO GREAT taking care of me, he is amazing!!!! he is so excited we're having a baby! of course I am too! no bump yet....maybe in a month or so!?
hmmm well I think that's all for now.....I'm so grateful for all my family and friends who have been so supportive and helpful. I have some great people in my life! and this baby is going to be so LOVED!
OH and I finally bought "What to expect when your expecting." Great book.
Here are some pix from the cruise....
My sister and I at the BEACH on the Cayman Islands!!! I want to go back.....