Friday, March 16, 2012

IT'S A......


I have to document this.....Yesterday I had my 18 week scan and I was SO nervous and scared because my first ultrasound didn't go so well and I don't even want to say why because it doesn't matter anymore because yesterday's results were amazing!!!! We weren't planning on finding out the sex but I didn't have a choice, I had to get a second ultrasound because the doctors needed to check on the baby. I was okay with that of course but I can't explain my worry! I was praying the entire time that everything would be okay. So the ultrasound started and the baby was crossing his legs and wouldn't move so we had to jiggle my tummy for a while and he finally decided to move!! and the doctor goes..."ok I think I see something sticking out!" lol and I looked over at Ryan and he had this HUGE grin on his face!!! and when the doctor confirmed it was a boy afterwards we were both so surprised because we both thought I was having a girl! Even Ryan was sure of it but we were both wrong! so it was even more of a surprise~!!!! I did cry a little because the doctor talked to us about the results and said everything was fine and the baby is beautiful. I was so relieved I can't even tell you!!!!! I know all the praying and fasting we did helped! There's no doubt in my mind.

Every family member we called on Ryan's side of the family he goes "Our baby has a penis!" I thought it was hilarious. When I called to tell my dad he said "A boy???" and then was quiet for a second and then said "thats weird!" haha my poor dad has 6 daughters, except for Steven, and he always would joke around with Ryan and I...."give me a grandson, at least one!" he would say all the time and we just laughed at him! he always tried to make me and all my sisters act like boys....when I was 2 years old he would dress me up in hockey gear, set me in goal and take shots at me! lol not hard shots of course. But I would say he's really excited, all our family is! All Ryan's cousins are either pregnant with a boy or just gave birth to a boy so ours is another one to add to the list!

Now boy names....are tough!!!! I have a few picked out but I'm not in love with them so we're still trying to think of one we both really like but we have lots of time. and we are going to have a little party next weekend when my mom and Cheryl come to visit. I wanted to have a reveal the sex party but we don't have any family in Calgary! so that was kind of a bummer but oh well next time!

A lot of you have asked how I've been feeling and I'll tell ya since I've been on Zofran instead of the Diclectin I have been feeling a lot better and i'm keeping down WAY more food! but it's also giving me headaches which I don't enjoy but for the most part i'm slowly feeling better. Some days I don't feel well at all and just sleep and I noticed I get so dizzy! cleaning the kitchen, sweeping, all that stuff makes me super dizzy. fun fun.

here I am at 18 weeks and 4 days....thanks to the Zofran I have been able to keep more food down and I've gained 2 pounds! Wahooo!

Current weight: 117 pounds

Current cravings: still anything sour, fruit roll ups, tuna melt, creme cheese.

Current changes: tummy is growing! been getting headaches recently, not sleeping as well at night.

4 months and 3 weeks until baby Shideler arrives!!

Oh, and I got this yesterday. Hilarious.


  1. Yay, how exciting! SO good to hear that the baby is doing well! The power of prayer and fasting really is amazing!

  2. I told you it was going to be a boy!
