Sunday, May 27, 2012


Ok enough recipe posts, I need to catch up on our life! Nothing much is new....Ryan just finished his second semester at SAIT and is now working full-time for the summer. He works at home depot in the hardware department (he loves it). And he's taking an extra class in the evenings over the summer. He never stops! he's a very hard worker though i'm so proud of him!! I'm 29 weeks preggers!!! YAY!!!! I remember thinking in the beginning if I was ever going to make it to 30 weeks and i'm almost there! Most of you know I've been pretty pretty sick during my pregnancy with really severe nausea...I don't know if I ever mentioned this but in the beginning I was on diclectin, I was taking 4 pills/day and I was still constantly nauseous and throwing up morning/day/night and I remember one morning I was laying on the bathroom floor so sick I couldn't move, every move I made would trigger it and I was debating on calling an ambulance it was SO bad! but I didn't have no phone near me and I didn't want to move so I didn't go to the hospital but I went in to the doctor and begged him to give me something else of the nausea or asked if I should go to the hospital and he didn't want me in the hospital because they just pump you with diclectin anyways so it wouldn't have done me any good! lol good times....i'm still on the Zofran which has saved my life for the most past but hasn't fixed the problem 100% but it has helped enough to a least help me function and keep down food. I thought I was starting to better for a while in the second trimester and then about 2 weeks ago it's like it all came back again!!??? so I didn't end up going back to work like I had planned and i'm still on my paid sick leave which I think I will be on for the rest of my pregnancy. But I see it as a blessing since my job is pretty hard core and would totally drain me out. So in that case, I feel blessed to be at home resting and not causing myself and the baby any stress! I remember watching my friends at work pregnant and struggling through their shift and I just felt so horrible for them!

I also went in and did the diabetes test when you have to drink the orange pop stuff....I thought it was so gross I almost threw up! nurse called and told me I'm not diabetic (thank goodness) BUT my iron is super low so now i'm taking an iron supplement which is good but not so good, I feel so sick after I take it! don't know if thats normal but I read nausea is a side effect when pregnant. Great. hopefully I can switch to something else.

Oh by the way, my blog is kinda like my pregnancy diary at the moment. So sorry if it sounds all whiny sometimes lol its the pregnant hormones.....other than the crazy nausea I love being pregnant! it is such an amazing experience!!!!! I feel SO blessed to have this little baby growing inside of me and feeling him kick and move is so cool and it makes me so happy! i love him so much and I haven't even met him yet.....

P.S- I curse all the women out there who avoid getting pregnant because they are worried about the outcome (their body image) afterwards. I can't believe how many women I've talked to who purposely don't want to start a family because they think they have this rockin' hot body and a baby is going to ruin it. Wow. I couldn't believe my ears but I've heard a few woman say that. Seriously though, I was 110  when I got pregnant, I had a rockin hot body but that didn't keep me from wanting the joy and experience that comes from having a baby. It's part of life. It's a gift from God, being able to bare children and every woman should experience it (if they can). anyways.....those are my prego hormones talking by the way ;) maybe not.

I look up to all the women I know in my life who are a mother, you are all awesome and I'm watching you. So behave!

here I am at 28 weeks....

caught this of him watching his favourite show...look at that handsome grin! he is so handsome!!!!

I don't think I blogged about Mother's day but yes I did get some first mothers day goodies from my mom and hubby! i'm so spoiled :)

My new sewing machine!!!! i love it! I've got tons of projects i'm working on!

Cute scripture bag I made.

another random prego pic of me at 26 weeks?? I think??

Calgary temple! it's coming along and it's so gorgeous!! can't wait to go inside when it's all done.


  1. I've heard if you eat lots before an iron pill it helps?? You've had a brutal pregnancy. It took me a LOOONNGGG time to get over how bad mine was and to kind of forget it, and now I have, but I also dread being pregnant again. I love my Ty, but hated being pregnant(aside from feeling him move). I'm glad you can enjoy it despite how sick you are. Hope the last trimester goes well! <3

  2. Hi's Aunt Dané, I never knew you were that sick. So sorry to hear it. I was only so sick with Amie. The only thing I could keep down was fruit & DQ ice cream lol. I was only 100lbs & went under & was going to be hospitalized if I didn't start gaining...trimester 3 I did start gaining (total of 25 lbs only) but enough to give birth to a healthy 8.11. Anyways be strong...when I go through such hard moments, keeping in mind that it will pass & I just have to do what I have to do to get through it helps a lot. Lots of love!
