Monday, February 27, 2012

Blog, you are my punching bag!

I hate sounding so down and negative about this pregnancy, and I don't like having pitty parties...really...when something is really bothering me i'm really good at hiding it like everything is fine but this is different. this pregnancy has been really tough....every doctor I see tells me i'm too skinny and my baby is too tiny and will have all these problems when he/she is born. that's the worst thing to hear over and over....I thought after my first ultrasound scare I was going to lose the baby and one night I got on my knees and poured my heart out to my heavenly father more than I have in my whole entire life (besides the day I found out my dad had stage 4 Melanoma and they were sure he wasn't going to make it, but he did). The doctor's can tell you the worst things sometimes, but then again they are only human, then comes God. I had the doctor tell me again today the baby is too tiny and i'm trying to just ignore all the negative thoughts but it can be so hard when it involves your child. I don't know if anyone out there even reads my blog or cares but one day I hope too look back on this experience and know what it feels like for it to be all over. I know everything will be okay but it's hard to focus on that. It scares me that some mother out there is going through something much worse, my heart aches for them.

I just want my baby to grow healthy and strong, like all mothers wish. I'm just so tired of being sick all day and not being able to keep down 90% of the food I eat. It's horrible. I can only pray it won't last the whole 9 months...keep positive thoughts!!!!



  1. Hey Lisa, I'm not sure if you remember me, but we were in Lake Sawyer ward together. Just know that being a mom is the best! By the sound of it you are already head over heels in love with your little baby and that is great! Just stay strong and it will all be worth it when you get to hold your precious little one!

  2. Stay strong Lisa!! Its going to be worth every minute and rely on the Lord in all your doings!! btw I like reading your blog! :)

  3. Of course I remember you Tami!! and thank you so much for your sweet comment! You too Paige! it's always good to hear encouraging stuff from other moms! xo

  4. Lisa! This just breaks my heart, not only because its so sad, but because I really have no advice for you. I've never been this scared. But I know you can make it through this. Morning sickness is the worst. I have never been sick and so when I had morning sickness with Brenden I woke up everyday thinking I was going to die, not knowing how to nourish my growing baby because I obviously wasn't providing any. I can tell you things do get better. Just know you have the world of people behind you loving and supporting you. Live you!

  5. Hey lisa!! you are in our prayers!! When i was pregnant with Deklin, every doctors app, they couldnt find the heartbeet and prepared me for losing him (all the way until i was 5 1/2 months along) so scary. But after all the emergency ultrasounds, He had a heartbeet and was healthy. :) Then i had plecenta previa and there was a chance me and the baby could hemridge and die.. so that was scary, but after everything, we were both healthy and deklin is 18 months now! :) SO keep your head up, Keep us posted too! I know best rest is hard so have ryan buy alot of megazines for u!! lol love you tonze!! hope it gets better from here on in!

  6. KRISTY!! that is so scary!! I remember you had the plecenta previa but I didn't know about Deklin's heart....that is so sad and scary!! so sorry you had to go through that that must have been so tough but you made it through and Deklin is here and healthy as ever, what a blessing! love you!!
